Learn Calligraphy

Education & Tutoring

Private Tuition

Find a tutor

Below is a list of Fellows of the SSI who are available as calligraphy and lettering tutors. Please do contact any of them to discuss your needs, whether for personal tuition, a small private group or a Regional Calligraphy Group.

Tony Curtis

Colne, Lancashire

Accepts commissions across the subject fields of traditional formal writing, letterform study, drawn/painted letters, illumination, and heraldry.

Tuition:  in these fields within a reasonable travelling distance of east Lancashire

Please see Facebook page: Tony Curtis Calligraphy & Illumination.

Janet Mehigan

Hayling Island, Hampshire
02392 463896 

Accepts commissions.
Tuition: I am pleased to accept enquiries about tutoring and mentoring.

Mary Noble

Fareham, Hampshire
0 (239) 237-6072 

Accepts commissions.
Tuition: I run private classes in Hampshire, on Tuesday evenings in Havant (max 12 in class) and Wednesday afternoons in Hedge End (up to 16 in class), in term time. Beginners welcome.

Sharon Shaw

Clapham Park, London

Tuition: I am fascinated by the tactility of calligraphy and hand lettering when combined with the precision and flexibility of digital programmes such as Illustrator and Photoshop.  I offer innovative, 90 minute workplace workshops where your team can explore writing and drawing with different lettering tools. I also teach Calligraphy For Beginners and Decorated Letterforms at City Lit in London and I am available for Zoom or face-to-face mentoring sessions for those looking for creative guidance.

be part of the ssi


The SSI welcomes anyone who is interested in calligraphy and illumination, at whatever level. Membership gives you access to publications, use of the SSI Library and up-to-date information regarding courses and events. In addition, Lay Members can take part in their annual exhibition and Fellows have the right to exhibit their work in public SSI exhibitions.

Lay Members

 Full membership of The Society of Scribes & Illuminators .


For those who do not wish to exhibit work or attend events.


Discount for full-time UK calligraphy or design students.


Fellowship is voted by peers in the SSI.